HR policy

The company is the large employer of the North Kazakhstan region – more than 2 470 people work at the enterprises of "SEVKAZENERGO" group.

Personnel reserve

Planning of requirement for the personnel is an initial step of process of personnel planning. It is based on dgiven facts about the available and planned workplaces, the plan of arranging organizational and technical actions, the staff list and the plan of replacement of vacancies. Heads of the relevant divisions take part in definition of requirement for the personnel in each case.

For timely closing of available vacant places with qualified personnel with employees of Management on work with the personnel the long-term plan of requirement for the personnel on the basis of which at the enterprises departments of work with the personnel form the list of key positions and the list of names of reservists is made up. In the created reserve there are some candidates for any position that promotes increase of efficiency of work with the personnel.

It should be noted that in connection with deficiency of qualified personnel in a foreign market of work and duration of preparation of the personnel on some positions, a personnel reserve is important working component in Company. Forming and preparation of a personnel reserve has continuous character, the structure of a personnel reserve is constantly updated in process of acception to the enterprises of "SEVKAZENERGO" JSC group perspective workers, and also emergence of new requirements for replacement on senior positions.

There is personnel reserve on 268 senior positions of the highest, average and initial link in the company. Assessment of the candidate takes place while selecting of workers for inclusion into a personnel reserve, after coordination and the approval of list of reservists the company gets ready an individual plan of preparation.  Professional development with a separation and on the job is organized for reservists, training on the place of worker, replacement of absent heads and experts for business trips, holidays, practice in other organizations for the purpose of learning positive experience are organized.

Personnel motivation

For the solution of the questions connected with fluidity of the personnel, the complicated shortage of qualified personnel on a region labor market, at the enterprise the system of material and non-material motivation functions there.

Elements of system of material motivation are:

  1. Monthly awarding for the main results of activity of each worker (a variable salary), paid by results of performance of criteria of the productivity developed for each division of the enterprise;
  2. Salary increase in one tariff category following the results of passing of a trial period;
  3. Establishment of surcharges and extra charges for professionalism;
  4. Single encouragement for achievements in work;
  5. Encouragement for pronouncement of the initiative offer (the technical, organizational and economic solution being for the enterprise new, allowing to improve operational performance and bringing economic effect);
  6. Establishment of surcharges for the management of crew, expansion of service zones.

Besides, for motivation of workers on education level increase within system of material motivation favorable conditions for technical training, retraining, professional development of the working personnel are created:

  • educational leave with payment of 100% of average earnings when receiving profile specialties for the enterprise for tuition by correspondence is granted;
  • fare compensation in both directions to the workers who were trained outside the city is made;
  • interest-free loans are provided to workers on training payment;
  • at the successful end of training the incentive bonus is paid.

The company annually while budget preparation provides means for material encouragement, training and professional development of workers. The actual expenses in this direction make about 20,0 million tenge annually.

For the purpose of motivation of workers and attraction young specialists to the enterprise  the adaptation program is written, payment for monitoring at the rate to 15% from an official salary of the instructor is made.

The hostel of CHPP-2 of "SEVKAZENERGO" JSC provides a temporary accommodation for young specialists and nonresident students for practice passing in the presence of available rooms.

Young specialists

"SEVKAZENERGO" JSC systematically develops cooperation with the educational institutions of the city of Petropavlovsk preparing specialists of power branch.

In 2009 the Company acted as the social partner of the Petropavlovsk College of Railway Transport on the basis of that "Power industry" and "Power system" faculties for the first time were organized.

In 2012 the first release of experts of heating engineers and the electricians took place, workplaces were provided for the best graduators.

Annually the enterprises of "SEVKAZENERGO" group accept students from NKSU, college and other educational institutions of the city for practice.  If there are any vacant places in the staff of the enterprise probationers are employed to a paid work.

Tours at the enterprises of the CHPP-2 Company, "North-Kazakhstan Regional Electric Distribution CompanyJSC, "Petropavlovsk Heating Networks" LLP are conducted to involve young specialists.